Friday, March 29, 2013

A Boring Update

Once again I have settled into the feeling of being bored all the time and literally doing nothing. Therefore the past two weeks or so have been as uneventful as an ant's life.

I've been ridiculously hungry all the time recently, eating so much junk and not being able to stop. I'm worried that I'll put weight back on again which I'm determind not to do, especially since I've actually found a work out that works for me. It really sucks when you can't do squats, the best exercise for toning your butt and thighs, when you have creaky knees that can't bear to squat more than three times.

I've actually found someone worth talking to. It's sad but I'd rather socialise online with strangers than with some of the freaks that I know in reality. I've actually found a nice, genuine guy that seems to like me and who hasn't began to randomly ignore me after 3 days of messaging. Sigh.

I really want a long distance pen-pal, actually. I think that after I've published this post I'll head off and find one... I'd love one from America or somewhere, preferably one who spoke decent English, however a Spanish speaking one would be great for practising my espanol, especially with my oral exam in a couple of weeks and reading, writing and listening not long after - eek, dreading these, but not as much as I'm dreading my English language exam, I am shitting bricks for that.

A couple of posts ago I said that since it was spring, I wanted to change certain aspects... my makeup, the way I think... Yeah, nothing's changed. I did experiment with different makeup styles but if I'm honest, they were all too time consuming for me in the mornings. Weirdly, I always feel MORE self conscious when I make an effort with my makeup rather than when I just run a line of eyeliner on my top lid... it's weird.

It's Easter, thank god, meaning that I've got a two week break from sixth form. Luckily I only have about three essays to write, which isn't too bad, but I also have a haul of Spanish vocab and grammar to memorise... My mum thought that she'd give us our Easter eggs today, on Good Friday, rather than on Sunday; not complaining because hey - chocolate - but it's not great when you're constantly trying to diet.

Pros and cons with my hair this month... I have about two inches of dark blonde roots showing which look awful, I'll have to tackle them before this break is over, but this also means that my hair is growing! I looked in the mirror yesterday and for the first time in a while I noticed that it actually looked a little longer than it has done in a long while! Hopefully it'll be at the target length (between my shoulders and jaw) by summer, or at least this year.

It's confirmed that we are in fact getting a new kitten! That's good and bad I suppose, five cats are a lot but KITTENS ARE JUST SO CUTE!!! She won't be ready until the end of April, so I'm thinking that if I fail my Spanish exam, at least I'll have something to look forward to!

Well - that's about it. I'm gonna go now and search for a pen pal. I wanna do the whole "snail mail" thing, sending handwritten letters... I just think it's really cute and different, especially with the technology we have now. It's sometimes nice to get away from the internet and communicate the old fashioned way...

Who am I kidding - I love the internet!